Wednesday, November 26, 2008

finally, a long weekend

thats what im thankful for! what im not thankful for is having the boy meeting the rest of the family. hes so awesome and their so...conservative. he doesnt need stress or assholes tomorrow i just want him to come and play and visit with ppl so we dont have to do it again lol and worse yet, i feel bad bcs i havent met any of his family, not even his mom and hes going to be meeting everyone in one day! i decided we should bring some whiskey,...for relaxing...and pot, lots of pot lol anything to make him more comfortable. i hope it goes well, theres a bunch of things this year that are different from any other year weve had grandma was recently put into a home. my grampy just couldnt take care of her anymore at 89...and her dementia...well its getting worse and worse. she thinks shes 86 and she thinks my grampy is trying to hurt her in someway bcs he doesnt want a baby. fuck it just keeps getting crazier...the children that will be there can i say this-slow? one of them has Augsburg's...the other are just slow, they dont talk, they barely eat...seems liek they take after their stuck up mother. /sigh im fretting over everything and it hasnt even happened yet...well i know i am and i cant help it. i guess its bcs i know my family so well? technically my parents are the worst and hes met them already so the rest of the family should just be a downhill slid...right? hahaha im so fucking unsure1 every guy i bring home-theyre idiots. they dont talk or they act all opinionated...we shall see i guess
now for work. work is killing my poor wrist. i think i have the wrists of an 80 year old...(anyone watch the simpsons? hehe) eeryday i do the same thing to different coins for 8 hours a day. ouch. i need to order a new wrist brace but i should really wait unti i get paid on friday! have you ever had a weird pay schedual? we get paid twice a month...not every other friday so some weeks i get paid for 80 hours and other weeks i get paid for 88. its just weird and it makes me seond guess my check whenever i get it! at least im getting paid...this economy is so horrible i cant believe were still in business. prise the lord! if he has anything to do with it ;D

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