Monday, November 24, 2008

ive got the mondays

damn it do i ever. my Mondays just never seem to end! i work and work and work and then when i look at the time ive only been here for...3 well, its finally coming to an end now. i should be off in about an hour...even though my boss wants me to stay longer. i wish i could tell him no, just flat out no. he acts like this work load was all my doing! but he chooses the coins to put into auction and god damn it, he over loaded us. i cant believe how many boxes in one auction he decided to have....oh well, nothing much i can do about it now. i probably wont get a bonus this year-fuck thats going to suck. oh well, anyway, the weekend was ok. i played a ton of wow to be honest...i spent saturday with the boy but when he left for work sunday-i was in my chair trying to gt to lvl 71! i cant believe how much XP it going to try to get a group tonight, seems like going through dungeons gives more xp then just dong quests....and better drops too!
i dont know if anyone uses stumble upon, but ii love it. i use it at work all the time to distract me from the dull work i have to do. there are days when i come upon problems tho-like when i get an error every time i try to post a picture..."error_too_many_hits' well damn it how am i supposed to post pictures of sexy things when i get error after error?! grawr.
funny as it may sound, ive been trying to act more manly in my habits lately. i dont think its fair that guys think one way and girls think another. it usually lets guys get away with more...not sure i want to word it like that but you know what i mean; i hope. like to be able to masturbate and cum boys say they need visual stimulation. well thats not true from girls, well not true for me anyway. but hey, why the fuck not right? every time i want o get off lately ive must browsed some gay porn...haha so many wonderful things! i like to find boys wrestling....hehehe fights and bondage ;D fun times for me and my orgasms!! i wonder what the boy will say when he finds out? im honestly not sure. hell probably tell me, he donest mind, no biggie, and he might not...its not really good or bad its

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