Friday, November 21, 2008

troubled times

seems like life is kicking my ass. nothing like money or the economy, i can deal with that nonsense...especially bcs gas prices are finally down in california! YAY! i only spent like $35 to fill up my tank the other day and i drive a ford ranger! i danced a little bit at the gas pump, always a little embarrassing but i was too excited to care!
its just in my personal life i guess. i cant seem to get things right. i cant seem to show my guy that i appreciate him. i didnt even realise there was a problem until the other day and now im stuck with trying to figure out what to do and how to change. heres the fucked up thing...people tell me all the time you cant make someone change but i think i can change for the better, so why cant anyone else? im not sure that i need my guy to change at all but he seems to think im just using him for sex. god damn it all.
oh well. heres a little happy something i have on my work

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