Wednesday, November 26, 2008

finally, a long weekend

thats what im thankful for! what im not thankful for is having the boy meeting the rest of the family. hes so awesome and their so...conservative. he doesnt need stress or assholes tomorrow i just want him to come and play and visit with ppl so we dont have to do it again lol and worse yet, i feel bad bcs i havent met any of his family, not even his mom and hes going to be meeting everyone in one day! i decided we should bring some whiskey,...for relaxing...and pot, lots of pot lol anything to make him more comfortable. i hope it goes well, theres a bunch of things this year that are different from any other year weve had grandma was recently put into a home. my grampy just couldnt take care of her anymore at 89...and her dementia...well its getting worse and worse. she thinks shes 86 and she thinks my grampy is trying to hurt her in someway bcs he doesnt want a baby. fuck it just keeps getting crazier...the children that will be there can i say this-slow? one of them has Augsburg's...the other are just slow, they dont talk, they barely eat...seems liek they take after their stuck up mother. /sigh im fretting over everything and it hasnt even happened yet...well i know i am and i cant help it. i guess its bcs i know my family so well? technically my parents are the worst and hes met them already so the rest of the family should just be a downhill slid...right? hahaha im so fucking unsure1 every guy i bring home-theyre idiots. they dont talk or they act all opinionated...we shall see i guess
now for work. work is killing my poor wrist. i think i have the wrists of an 80 year old...(anyone watch the simpsons? hehe) eeryday i do the same thing to different coins for 8 hours a day. ouch. i need to order a new wrist brace but i should really wait unti i get paid on friday! have you ever had a weird pay schedual? we get paid twice a month...not every other friday so some weeks i get paid for 80 hours and other weeks i get paid for 88. its just weird and it makes me seond guess my check whenever i get it! at least im getting paid...this economy is so horrible i cant believe were still in business. prise the lord! if he has anything to do with it ;D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

some fucking ppl...

jesus christ-you know what i have a problem with? ppl who want more. more more more more. now, there are times that i have been one of those ppl. i wanted more out of my diet soda, or my truck or my clothes ;D hehe but i hate ppl who want more of me. like more time of mine, that i dont have, ppl that want more attention then i have time to give to them! im not talking about my best friend or anything im talking about acquaintances. if my best friend needed me id tell my work i had to go home sick, but there are ppl who i barely know who are all, oh, well i want this, what about this, can yu answer this, well why dont you this...blah! maybe i dont want to give up a million things so i can make one fucking semi-stranger happy. its just like when im driving. ppl just think they are entitled to things, ppl are entitled to not go the speed limit everyday i drive to and from work...and when i get to work ppl want more of my stupid time. and im behind at work! i cant just drop everything and be all, oh lets chat person i know barely anything about, you have my full attention even though youre not paying me like my boss is...and even if they were theyd have to match his prices lol
god i love this blog just to vent.
ive been adding to my collection of male/gay porn...hahaha and no one knows about me and my blog! oh it makes me laugh to see some of the things ppl are into sexually. i mean, im fucked up and i know it but...docking and fletching, oh boys, you crazy
i wonder why ppl think they are all that matters. i mean i get that in your life youre the only one who really matters bcs there is no one else. its just you and you together forever until death, everything and everyone else is inconstant. but there are things in this world that we need to work together on! traffic is the biggest one1 could you imagine if everyone just went as close to the speed limit as they could all the time? everyday it takes me 45 mins to get to work. its a 15 min drive w/o traffic but ppl driving 40 in a 50-55 and ppl who stop dead at yellow lights, fuck them. they ruin my drive to work without another thought. oh! my mascara isnt on! ill just do it at this red light and when it turns green im sure someone will honk at me to let m know. fuck that. fuck ppl who go too slow or keep an unnatural distance from the car in front of them. do you know how much better the...well, californias traffic would be if everyone just tried to go the speed limit when thee is OPEN fucking road in front of them,. i was behind 2 cars going 40 in a 55 stretch of 3 miles. parallel to each other so it was impossible for me to even reach 5 mph UNDER the speed limit. ug. sorry, but if anything stresses me out in the morning its traffic-especially pointless traffic!!! ok, well thats all the complaining i can do for now...

Monday, November 24, 2008

ive got the mondays

damn it do i ever. my Mondays just never seem to end! i work and work and work and then when i look at the time ive only been here for...3 well, its finally coming to an end now. i should be off in about an hour...even though my boss wants me to stay longer. i wish i could tell him no, just flat out no. he acts like this work load was all my doing! but he chooses the coins to put into auction and god damn it, he over loaded us. i cant believe how many boxes in one auction he decided to have....oh well, nothing much i can do about it now. i probably wont get a bonus this year-fuck thats going to suck. oh well, anyway, the weekend was ok. i played a ton of wow to be honest...i spent saturday with the boy but when he left for work sunday-i was in my chair trying to gt to lvl 71! i cant believe how much XP it going to try to get a group tonight, seems like going through dungeons gives more xp then just dong quests....and better drops too!
i dont know if anyone uses stumble upon, but ii love it. i use it at work all the time to distract me from the dull work i have to do. there are days when i come upon problems tho-like when i get an error every time i try to post a picture..."error_too_many_hits' well damn it how am i supposed to post pictures of sexy things when i get error after error?! grawr.
funny as it may sound, ive been trying to act more manly in my habits lately. i dont think its fair that guys think one way and girls think another. it usually lets guys get away with more...not sure i want to word it like that but you know what i mean; i hope. like to be able to masturbate and cum boys say they need visual stimulation. well thats not true from girls, well not true for me anyway. but hey, why the fuck not right? every time i want o get off lately ive must browsed some gay porn...haha so many wonderful things! i like to find boys wrestling....hehehe fights and bondage ;D fun times for me and my orgasms!! i wonder what the boy will say when he finds out? im honestly not sure. hell probably tell me, he donest mind, no biggie, and he might not...its not really good or bad its

Friday, November 21, 2008

the weekend is so close i can taste it.

omfg. its almost the end of friday and i fee like im going to jump out the window! lol i wish i could get out right now so i could beat a little traffic but thats not going to happen, were overloaded! christ on a cracker were so overloaded. there must be mre then 20 boxes left of the auction that was supposed to be finished yesterday. i cant believe how many coins people are selling right now....our economy is in the toilet ppl keep sending in their coins! im so glad to have work but theres almost too much! im pretty sure were hiring another person...hopefully they arent a million times better then i am!
well here comes the weekend, only 15 mins away now...i hope you dont run into any zombies :D

troubled times

seems like life is kicking my ass. nothing like money or the economy, i can deal with that nonsense...especially bcs gas prices are finally down in california! YAY! i only spent like $35 to fill up my tank the other day and i drive a ford ranger! i danced a little bit at the gas pump, always a little embarrassing but i was too excited to care!
its just in my personal life i guess. i cant seem to get things right. i cant seem to show my guy that i appreciate him. i didnt even realise there was a problem until the other day and now im stuck with trying to figure out what to do and how to change. heres the fucked up thing...people tell me all the time you cant make someone change but i think i can change for the better, so why cant anyone else? im not sure that i need my guy to change at all but he seems to think im just using him for sex. god damn it all.
oh well. heres a little happy something i have on my work